What number do I use to call Rockgas?
Call our Customer Care team on 0800 574 427.

What are Rockgas’ call centre hours?
The Rockgas Customer Care team are available to answer your calls between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Who do I contact if there is an emergency or breakdown?
Our emergency Rockgas Reticulation Customer line is 0800 574 427, then press 1.

What is Rockgas’ mailing address?
PO Box 7195
Christchurch 8240

What is the email address for commercial reticulated LPG enquiries?
Please email customer.support@rockgas.co.nz

What if I have had electricity and/or natural gas, as well as reticulated LPG supplied by Contact in the past. Who is my point of contact now?
If you are a business customer with fuels other than LPG, please phone the Contact team on 0800 20 9000. For all commercial and industrial reticulated LPG requirements, please contact the Rockgas Customer Care team on 0800 574 427.

Invoicing and payments

Rockgas will be providing your invoices from 1 September 2019. This means your August 2019 invoice will be the last you receive from Contact.

When can I expect my invoice to arrive and when does it need to be paid by?
While you can expect your invoice to arrive about the same time it always has, payment will now be the 20th of the month following the invoice date. This may vary from your current payment terms.

I’ve received collective invoicing or summary billing in the past. Will this continue?
Collective and joint invoicing, as well as summary billing, are being replaced. Going forward, you will receive an invoice for each location you receive reticulated LPG. All this means is that you will now receive an end-of-month emailed statement which covers all locations’ invoices.

Will the layout of the invoice change?
The layout of your invoice will look a little bit different. Going forward, your energy use will also be invoiced in gigajoules rather than kilowatt hours. Click here for a sample of what your invoices will look like from September 2019.

Will my customer account number change?
With Rockgas transferring to a new billing system, your customer account number will change. You will find your new customer account number on your first Rockgas invoice in September 2019. 

I pay my invoices by automatic or electronic payment. What do I need to do?
As a commercial and industrial reticulated LPG customer, you will have been paying your invoices through automatic or electronic payment to Contact. This will need to be transferred to Rockgas by 1 October 2019. We really appreciate your help with this as we know it can be a little inconvenient.

The easiest way to change your automatic or electronic payment is to search Rockgas Limited through your online banking services and save us as one of your payees. Our bank account number is 02-0544-0241419-000.

Please use your new customer account number as the reference. You will find your new account number on your first Rockgas invoice in September 2019.

I pay my invoices by Direct Debit. What do I need to do?
If you have been paying your invoices by Direct Debit to Contact and don’t use any other of Contact’s products or services – you don’t have to do a thing. Our bank, BNZ, will work with Contact’s bank, Westpac, to transfer this across.

I pay my invoices by Direct Debit, but I’m also invoiced for other Contact Energy Services. What do I need to do?
As Rockgas will now be supporting your reticulated LPG needs, you will need to set up a new Direct Debit with us. We really appreciate your help with this as we know it can be a little inconvenient. A member of our Customer Care team will be in touch with you to organise a new Direct Debit with you.

For your Contact products and services, you don’t have to do a thing – there’s no change to that Direct Debit.

I pay my invoices by credit card or at PostShop. What do I need to do?
Going forward, Rockgas will not have those payment options. We know this may be inconvenient for you, so a member of our Customer Care team will be in touch to discuss options around other payment methods with you.

Terms and Conditions

The Supply of Reticulated LPG Terms and Conditions have changed.

For new customers, these terms and conditions took effect on 1 July 2019, and for existing customers on 1 August 2019

What’s changed?

  • Very little has changed. We have based these on
    the Terms and Conditions that you had with Contact before Rockgas was
  • These terms are no longer combined with your electricity
    terms. We’ve taken out all the stuff that related to electricity, but a
    large proportion of the Terms and Conditions around supply, metering
    and payment will carry on just the same.
  • There are still some things that Rockgas needs to share with
    Contact and any service providers, so we’ve updated the privacy sections to
    make it clearer how we’ll use and share your personal information.
  • If you’re on a fixed term agreement with us, we’ve clarified how
    we’ll calculate any damages if you terminate the agreement early. We have also
    outlined what will happen if it’s not commercially viable to connect or keep
    you connected to a reticulated network.
  • We’ve updated all our contact details, and modernised
    the notice section.   

A copy of the Terms and Conditions are available here rockgas.co.nz/terms-and-conditions.

Will the price I pay for LPG remain the same?

Yes, your current price stays as is. If there is a future price adjustment, we will let you know in advance.

Complaints process

How can I make a complaint?
We work hard to look after our customers, but if we’ve let you down, we really want to hear from you. Call 0800 574 427 or email customercomplaints@rockgas.co.nz.

I lodged a complaint prior to 1 September 2019? Will Contact Energy or the Rockgas Customer Care team handle that complaint?
If you had an open complaint before 1 September 2019, Contact Energy will continue to be your point of contact. However, they may liaise with Rockgas’ Customer Care team to help resolve the issues.

What if I’m not satisfied with how Rockgas handles my complaint?
If we can’t resolve your complaint, we are also a member of the Energy Complaints Scheme operated by Utilities Disputes, which is a free and independent industry complaints body. We are committed to maintaining the standards contained in the Energy Complaints Scheme document. If the complaint falls within its jurisdiction and has reached deadlock you can refer your complaint with us to Utilities Disputes. ‘Deadlock’ means:

  • A complaint made to us that has taken longer than 20 business days to
    resolve and we have not advised you in writing that there is a good reason for
    this, and what that reason is, or
  • A complaint that is with us has taken longer than 40 business days to
    resolve, or
  • Utilities Disputes is satisfied that:
    • We have made it clear that we do
      not intend to do anything about the complaint
    • You (as the complainant)
      would suffer unreasonable harm from waiting any longer, or
    • It would be otherwise unjust to
      wait any longer.

Call: 0800 22 33 40
Email: info@udl.co.nz
Web: www.udl.co.nz
Mail: PO Box 5875, Wellington 6140
Freepost 192682