What number do I use to call Rockgas?
Our phone number is 0800 574 427 which will take you through to our Rockgas Customer Care team.
What are Rockgas’ call centre hours?
The Rockgas Customer Care team are available to answer your calls between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
I am a bulk and/or service station customer. Who do I contact if there is an emergency or breakdown?
Rockgas’ emergency bulk fuel line is 0800 574 737. Press 1 for North Island sites and press 2 for South Island sites.
Who do I call to request bulk LPG or commercial and industrial cylinder deliveries or fills?
Please call our Customer Care team on 0800 574 427.
What is Rockgas’ mailing address?
PO Box 7195
Christchurch 8240
What is the email address for bulk LPG and commercial cylinder enquiries?
Please email customer.support@rockgas.co.nz
What if I have had electricity and/or natural gas, as well as bulk LPG and/or commercial LPG, supplied by Contact Energy in the past. Who is my point of contact now?
If you are a business customer with fuels other than bulk LPG and cylinder LPG, please phone the Contact Energy team on 0800 20 9000. For all bulk LPG and commercial LPG requirements, please contact the Rockgas customer care team on 0800 574 427.
Complaints process
How can I make a complaint?
We work hard to look after our customers, but if we’ve let you down, we really want to hear from you. Call 0800 574 427 or email customercomplaints@rockgas.co.nz.
I lodged a complaint prior to 30 June 2019? Will Contact Energy or the Rockgas Customer Care team handle that complaint?
If you had an open complaint before 30 June 2019, Contact Energy will continue to be your point of contact. However, they may liaise with Rockgas’ Customer Care team to help resolve the issues.
What if I’m not satisfied with how Rockgas handles my complaint?
If we can’t resolve your complaint, we are also a member of the Energy Complaints Scheme operated by Utilities Disputes, which is a free and independent industry complaints body. We are committed to maintaining the standards contained in the Energy Complaints Scheme document. If the complaint falls within its jurisdiction and has reached deadlock you can refer your complaint with us to Utilities Disputes. ‘Deadlock’ means:
Call: 0800 22 33 40
Email: info@udl.co.nz
Web: www.udl.co.nz
Mail: PO Box 5875, Wellington 6140
Freepost 192682