Will I still be able to use the same service stations for Rockgas Auto LPG?
Rockgas Auto LPG is still available at over 120 service stations from Kaitaia to Invercargill – New Zealand’s largest Auto LPG refuelling network. You can also buy Auto LPG from Rockgas LPG sites around the country. These outlets will continue to offer the same great service they always have.
Will I still be able to use my Contact-branded Fuel Card?
You can continue to use your current Fuel Card exactly as you do now. When that card expires, we’ll issue you with a new-look Rockgas Fuel Card, which will include all the savings and promotions you currently enjoy.
Will I still receive the same Fuel Card benefits?
By using your Auto LPG Fuel Card, you’ll continue to enjoy savings exclusive to members. Retail pump pricing at LPG sites may vary from site to site, but using your Auto LPG Fuel Card will provide constant pricing relative to your location for refuelling.
What number do I use to call Rockgas about Auto LPG, Fuel Card and Vehicle Conversion Loans?
Our Auto LPG phone number is 0800 807 300 which will take you through to our Customer Care team.
What are Rockgas’ call centre hours?
The Rockgas Auto LPG Customer Care team are available to answer your calls between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
What is Rockgas’ mailing address for Auto LPG?
Rockgas Limited
Private Bag 2020,
New Plymouth 4340
What is the email address for Rockgas Auto LPG enquiries?
Please email fuel.card@rockgas.co.nz
What if I have had electricity and/or natural gas, as well as Rockgas Auto LPG supplied by Contact in the past. Who is my point of contact now?
If you are a Contact customer with fuels other than LPG, please phone the Contact team on 0800 20 9000. For Auto LPG Fuel Card and Vehicle Conversion Loan requirements, please contact the Rockgas Customer Care team on 0800 807 300.
Invoicing and payments
Rockgas will be providing your invoices going forward. This means the invoice that will be sent to you on 31 July 2019 will be the last you receive from Contact.
When can I expect my invoice to arrive?
You can expect your invoice to arrive about the same time and the way you receive it to be the same.
Will the layout of the invoice change?
The layout of your invoice will look a little bit different going forward. Click Here for a sample of what your invoices will look like from August 2019.
Will my customer account number change?
With Rockgas transferring to a new billing system, your customer account number will change. You will find your new customer account number on your Rockgas invoices which you will receive from 15 August 2019.
I pay my invoices by automatic or electronic payment. What do I need to do?
As an Auto LPG customer, you will have been paying your invoices through automatic or electronic payment to Contact. This will need to be transferred to Rockgas by 20 August 2019. We really appreciate your help with this as we know it can be a little inconvenient.
The Rockgas Auto LPG bank account number is 02-0544-0241419-012.
Please use your new customer account number as the reference. You will find your new account number on your new Rockgas invoice delivered during August.
I pay my Auto LPG invoices by Direct Debit. What do I need to do?
If you have been paying your invoices by Direct Debit to Contact and don’t use any other of Contact’s products or services – you don’t have to do a thing. Our bank, BNZ, will work with Contact’s bank, Westpac, to transfer this across.
I pay my invoices for Auto LPG by Direct Debit, but I’m also invoiced for other Contact Energy Services. What do I need to do?
As Rockgas will now be supporting your Auto LPG needs, you’ll need to set up a new Direct Debit with us. We really appreciate your help with this as we know it can be a little inconvenient. A member of our Customer Care team will be in touch in early August to organise a new Direct Debit with you.
For your Contact products and services, you don’t have to do a thing – there’s no change to that Direct Debit.
I pay my invoices for Auto LPG by credit card or at PostShop. What do I need to do?
Going forward, Rockgas will not offer those payment options. We know this may be inconvenient for you, so a member of our Customer Care team will be in touch in early August to discuss options around other payment methods with you.
I have a vehicle conversion loan. Are there any changes for me?
Rockgas will continue to offer LPG vehicle conversion loans if you are a Rockgas LPG Fuel Card holder. Please continue to make payments as you do today.
Terms and Conditions
Rockgas’ Vehicle Conversion and Loan Terms and Conditions, as well as the Rockgas Auto LPG Fuel Card Terms and Conditions are combined, and can be found here with the Application and Direct Debit forms. They take effect for existing and new Fuel Card and Loan customers on 1 August 2019.
Complaints process
How can I make a complaint?
We work hard to look after our customers, but if we’ve let you down, we really want to hear from you. Call 0800 574 427 or email customercomplaints@rockgas.co.nz.