Residential 45kg Bottled LPG Customers

What do I do if I smell or suspect a gas leak?
Please call our emergency telephone 0800 427 345 if you suspect you have a gas leak or an issue with your gas bottle. In case of an immediate emergency dial 111.
How do I know when to order?
Please order as soon as your regulator turns red. All information on when to order and understanding your regulators can be found on our Bottle Basics Page
How do I order a replacement bottle?
For the fastest and most effective way to order we recommend the following:
- Directly through our website at our Order Online Form
- Through the easy use app available at google play or apple store
- Through our automated phone system 0800 307 300
Check out our Edutainment Series a collection of quick videos to answer common questions, like how to order online.
Have you received my order?
When ordering via our website or App you should see a pop-up on the screen confirming that your order has been sent. Some customers will receive notification that their order has been received, we are working on a solution to ensure all customers receive this notification.
How do I sign up for delivery notifications?
Please email with your name, account number, contact phone number and delivery address and state ‘I would like to receive text notifications for my LPG delivery’ or ‘I would like to receive email notifications for my LPG delivery’. Our team will update this information within 5 working days.
Who do I contact to find out when my bottles will be delivered?
Our customer care team unfortunately are unable to give you information about a specific delivery day. We are working on improving this process. Over Winter, please allow additional time for delivery.
Why did this bottle not last as long as my last delivered bottle? During temperature drops, when you’re utilizing several LPG appliances simultaneously or your primary bottle has lower pressure for your requirements, your regulator might switch over to the reserve bottle temporarily. This ensures a consistent flow of LPG, but it also means that your reserve bottle will be partially depleted before the regulator indicates red on the main bottle.
Do I need to be home for my delivery?
You will not need to be home for delivery. Any dogs that live on the property will need to be kept inside or behind a suitable fence separate to the area the bottles are kept. Please ensure we have access through any locked gates prior to delivery.
Who should I contact if I am moving house?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are moving house. Our customer care team can organise moving your LPG to a new address or closing your account if you no longer require supply. Please email and allow up to 4 days for a response.
How to tell if a 45kg bottle is empty or how much gas is left in my LPG Cylinder?
The LPG will be cold inside the cylinder, so you can gently pour some hot (but not boiling) water down the side of the cylinder, then slowly run your hand down the side of cylinder where you have poured the hot water. When you start to feel the cold against your hand, this is where your gas level is currently.
How long does a 45kg last?
A 45kg gas cylinder could last more than a year if the LPG is only used for cooking. If LPG is used for cooking and hot water for a family of four, a 45kg cylinder could last approximately between 4-6 weeks (these are estimates as the length of showers, hot/cold water ratio and outside temperatures can all have an impact on your personal gas consumption).
Why is the LPG provider refusing to delivery 45kg bottles to my property?
All LPG providers must comply with mandatory health and safety obligations to protect their employees and customers. This means they may refuse to deliver gas bottles if your property has a long or steep driveway, stair access or any other obstacle that might pose a problem when delivering LPG. Some providers will only deliver if it can be done safely by one person. More information is available on our website under Bottle Delivery Information.
Ways to pay for your 45kg gas bottles.
Credit Card: You can make payments by calling 0800 30 7300 and following the automated prompts.
Automatic Payment, Internet, or Telephone Banking: Rockgas is registered as a bill payer with all major banks in New Zealand. You can find us when adding a new payee, selecting “Rockgas Limited-Customer Payment,” or manually setting us up with these details:
Rockgas Ltd bank account number (BNZ) 02-0544-0241419-000 (please include your account number in the reference field).
Direct Debit: Download and complete the Direct Debit Form here and scan and email the completed form to You can also print and post it to Rockgas, Private Bag 2020, New Plymouth, 4342.