- By entering this competition, entrants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Information on how to enter this competition forms part of these Terms and Conditions.
- In order to gain entry to the competition, entrants must have clicked through the relevant link in the offer and either:
- updated their existing contact details with; or
- be new customers of
- Rockgas Limited (Rockgas) in Whakatane.
- “Competition Period” is from 1 December 2022 until 11.59pm 31 March 2023.
- There is a limit of one entry to the competition per customer.
Prize and Winning:
- Each winner will win one Weber Baby Q Q100 LPG BBQ valued at NZ$449 to be won (“Prize”).
- The Prize cannot be exchanged for any other product or for cash. The Prize must be redeemed in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
- The Prize winner will be determined by a random draw from all eligible entries made during the Competition Period. The draw will be made approximately 30 days after the end of the Competition Period (“Draw Date”). The winner will then be contacted by Rockgas by email or telephone.
- If Rockgas is unable to contact the winner after a period of two weeks following the Draw Date, having made reasonable efforts to do so, that winner’s entry will be declared invalid. Rockgas reserves the right to:
- withdraw the Prize offer; or
- withdraw the Prize offer and redraw the Prize in accordance with paragraph 7 above with a new Prize winner.
- In the event that the Prize becomes unavailable for any reason, Rockgas may at its discretion substitute a prize of equal or greater value without notice.
- By accepting the Prize, the Prize winner consents to his or her name and/or photograph being used for such publicity purposes as determined by Rockgas.
- Rockgas will aim to send the Prize to the Prize winner within 30 days of notifying the Prize winner of their win. Rockgas will have no liability for any delay in meeting this timeframe.
- Rockgas may refuse to provide entry to the competition or the Prize to an entrant who, in Rockgas’s view, has acted fraudulently or not complied with these Terms and Conditions.
- Entry is open to both new and current customers of Rockgas Whakatane who update their customer details in accordance with paragraph 2 above. Rockgas reserves the right to verify the validity of any entry.
- Employees of Rockgas Limited and its related companies, and their immediate families, are not eligible to enter this competition (“non-eligible persons”). If a non-eligible person is drawn at random, the Prize will be redrawn.
- All decisions of Rockgas are final and no correspondence will be entered into. Rockgas reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions and to extend, postpone or cancel the competition at any time.
- Rockgas will not be liable for any loss, claim, cost, expense, liability or injury (“Loss”) suffered by any participant in any way associated with the competition including as a result of entry into the competition or winning the Prize, except where such Loss cannot be excluded by law.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of New Zealand courts.
- “Personal Information” the collection, use and disclosure of personal information provided in connection with this competition is governed by the Privacy Act 2020, our Privacy Policy and our terms and conditions of supply.
- This competition is run by Rockgas Limited with its registered office at 42 Connett Road, Bell Block, Taranaki.