Hussey Paint & Panel relies on Rockgas LPG for constant heat
Hussey Paint & Panel is a paint and panel beaters workshop in Christchurch where their team transforms damaged cars back to their former glory.
“A typical day here at Hussey Paint & Panel looks like cars coming in damaged and going out looking pretty again,” says Director Terri Watson.
They turned to Rockgas when they were looking for a solution to heat their new spray booth.
“We sat down with Rockgas and decided reticulated gas was the way to go. The team at Rockgas bent over backwards to hook us up to the reticulated network so we had a continuous flow of LPG to our booth,” she says.
“If there is ever a problem, Rockgas is always on the end of the line ready to help.”
Terri says the benefits of having Rockgas LPG for their business is being able to manage the heat control in the spray booth.
“The LPG keeps flowing so the booth keeps running.”
Talk to us about the convenience of LPG for your business.